What do you notice? What do you wonder? 6

Hi blogers

I notice that no one is watching him, I notice that he is wearing something like a suit, I notice that the man is brave, I notice that it’s made out of wood, I notice that the man is holding onto a lever or something. I wonder what that something does, I wonder if there is a loop on the track, I wonder if this is at an amusement park, I wonder if the man is a stuntman, I wonder if this is a stunt. Do you think these notices and wonders good?



2 thoughts on “What do you notice? What do you wonder? 6

  1. HI Platon This Is YAhya and I going to say this is very good how you enplane that what the man is doing dangeres stants did you know that if the ma leave his place he would die because of the roller scats. Blog Ya Later and Check blog out its https://odsyahyaa.edublogs.org/

    1. HI Yahya.
      Thanks for you comment. You got a lot of mistakes in your comment.

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